Explosive is not a Term Defined in the International System of Units and Should not be Used to Describe Neuromuscular Performance

  • Bernardo Ide Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4057-0051
  • Amanda Silvatti Federal University of Viçosa
  • Craig Staunton Mid Sweden University
  • Moacir Marocolo Federal University of Juiz de Fora
  • Dustin Oranchuk Acumen Sport and Shoulder Clinic
  • Gustavo Mota Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro
Keywords: Strength and Power Training, Neuromuscular Performance, Plyometrics, Weightlifting


Despite not being recognized by the International System of Units, explosive is a term often applied in sports science and professional practice. While associated with force, strength, power, performance, exercise, movements, contraction, action, and training, readers may be misled to believe that there are further analyses beyond power output, peak force, contractile rate of force development, and impulse. This critical review discusses the misuse of the term explosive in sports science literature, proposes alternatives, and encourages correct definitions of terms, units, and nomenclature to describe exercise performance. The suggestions provided in this review can help to reduce the confusion and perpetuation of an erroneous understanding of mechanical work, energy, and power in sports science.

How to Cite
Ide, B., Silvatti, A., Staunton, C., Marocolo, M., Oranchuk, D., & Mota, G. (2023). Explosive is not a Term Defined in the International System of Units and Should not be Used to Describe Neuromuscular Performance. International Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.47206/ijsc.v3i1.210