Manuscript Types

Manuscript Types

The International Journal of Strength and Conditioning (IJSC) offers a diverse range of manuscript types to cater to the varied needs of the academic and professional community in the field of Strength and Conditioning (S&C). As a recommendation, the following types of manuscripts can be considered for peer-reviewed publication:

  1. Original Research Articles:
  • Description: Traditional research articles presenting new findings.
  • Word Limit: 2000-4000 words.
  • Structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Future Recommendations.
  • Additional Requirements: Appropriate figures and/or tables, up to 100 references, and an abstract of 150–300 words.
  1. Brief Reports:
  • Description: Short papers that describe novel ideas, findings, or innovations.
  • Word Limit: Up to 2,000 words.
  • Additional Requirements: Maximum of three tables or figures and 25 references.
  1. Informed Perspectives:
  • Description: Articles that discuss significant topics within S&C, synthesizing and evaluating recent research findings.
  • Word Limit: 4500-5000 words.
  • Additional Requirements: Abstract of around 400 words and references as needed.
  1. Systematic Review and Meta Analysis:
  • Description: Comprehensive reviews that collect, synthesize, and summarize all available research on a particular topic. Meta-analyses use statistical methods to summarize these results.
  • Structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
  1. Narrative Reviews:
  • Description: Descriptive reviews focusing on evidence as selected by the author. Useful when the evidence base is limited.
  • Recommendation: Before conducting a narrative review, prospective authors should contact the Editorial Panel to determine suitability.
  1. Case Studies:
  • Description: Detailed reports on specific interventions, outlining the rationale, methods, results, and recommendations.
  • Content: Should include relevant details such as age, sex, level of competition, and data analysis.
  1. Commentaries:
  • Description: Short articles that discuss, retort, or expand upon themes in recently published Journal articles.
  • Requirement: Should be evidence-based and referenced appropriately.
  1. Book Reviews:
  • Description: Critical assessments of in-print books, discussing themes, quality, and significance.
  • Word Limit: 500-2000 words.
  1. Ideas and Innovations:
  • Description: Proposals of novel concepts to advance the field of S&C.
  • Focus: Should challenge current practices and offer alternative perspectives based on a thorough literature review.
  1. Corrigenda:
  • Description: Corrections to errors in previously published papers.
  • Note: Corrigenda are only possible for final revised journal papers and not for the corresponding discussion paper.